Syntaxe & sémantique (Mise en arrière-plan de l'agent ; Pluralité nominale et verbale ; Distributivité ; Séries verbales ; Temps-mode-aspect)
Morphologie (Accord ; Nombre ; Morphologie des constructions passives ; Grammaticalisation des Séries verbales)
Grammaires créoles, Créoles à base lexicale française (Expression du futur ; Séries verbales (comparatives, DONNER) ; Sujets nuls)
Parcours académique
2015 Habilitation pour diriger des recherches. Les pronoms impersonnels humains. Syntaxe, sémantique, morphologie. U. Paris 8.
1997-2000 Thèse de doctorat en linguistique théorique, formelle et automatique. UFR de Linguistique, Université Paris 7.
1995-97 DEA de linguistique formelle, théorique et automatique. UFR de Linguistique, Université Paris 7.
1994-95 Master in linguistics. University College London, UK.
1992-94 Mathematik Diplom, minor in Logic. Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster, Germany.
1991-92 Master of Advanced Studies in Mathematics (M.A.St.) U. Cambridge, UK.
1988-91 Mathematik Diplom, minor in Logic. Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster, Germany.
Écoles d'été : La cuantificación (Oaxaca, Mexique juin 2023), Event pluralities (ESSLLI 2015, Barcelona, with L. Tovena), Verbal plurality (Typology Summer school, Leipzig, 2010)
Séminaires doctoraux : The grammars of Creole languages (U. Zurich, 2021), La semántica del grupo nominal (CIESAS, San Cristóbal de las Casas, 2016)
Séminaires de master : Normes et usage - grammaire de l'haïtien (U. Paris 8, 2024), Linguistique de corpus (en ligne, FLA, Haïti, 2021), Grammaire de l'haïtien (U. Paris 8, 2020), Temps, Mode, Aspect (FLA, Haïti, 2018), Introduction à la morphologie (FLA, Haïti, 2014, 2017)
Co-directrice Thème 2 Syntaxe et sémantique de l'UMR 7023 (depuis 2012)
Coordinatrice Coopération UMR 7023-SFL & UFRL Paris-8 avec Haiti (Faculté de linguistique appliquée, Port-au-Prince)
Co-responsable du Groupe de recherche sur les grammaires créoles (GRGC)
Membre nommée du Conseil scientifique et stratégique des Amériques, membre du bureau (MEAE, MESRI, CNRS)
(co-direction avec la FLA, Port-au-Prince) : Mideline Dragon Jules-Saint (soutenance 9 déc 2024, co-dir. Herby GLAUDE)
(co-direction U. Paris 8) : Aïcha Ben Rhouma (co-dir. Marie-Anne SALLANDRE)
(co-direction avec FAU, Erlangen) : Anne Sherley Legouté (from spring 2025)
(FLA, Port-au-Prince) : Saul Dulcio (en cours), Guerlyn Joseph (en cours), Judith Africot (2020), Mideline Dragon Jules-Saint (2018)
(U. Paris 8) : Dinel Badeau (M1, en cours), Hélène Farah (2018)
Projets en cours
Groupe de recherche Grammaires Créoles (co-responsable avec Anne Zribi-Hertz), séminaire Grammaires créoles | |
IRN Typologie à travers les modalités (UMR 7023 SFL CNRS &Paris 8, UMR 7110 LLF CNRS & Paris Cité, U. v Amsterdam, U. Göttingen, U. Pompeu Fabra, U. Leiden, Western Norway U. of Applied Sciences, Bergen) |
Groupe de recherche Séries verbales |
• Seri verbs: multiple complexities, (PI M. Baerman, Surrey), UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, July 2017- May 2021 (co-investigator)
• TypoImp : Towards a typology of human impersonal pronouns / Vers une typologie des pronoms impersonnels humains Projet franco-allemand ANR-DFG (co-PI : P. Cabredo Hofherr, Paris, & Volker Gast, Jena) (2012-15)
• Fédération Typologie et universaux du langage (CNRS FR 2559) (Co-)Distr : Le marquage de la (co-)distribution à travers les langues (dir. avec B. Laca) (2014-18), LSALAA : Calcul de la référence nominale, langues avec et sans articles - (dir. avec A. Zribi-Hertz) (2010-13), plNV : Dépendances distributives - pluralité nominale et verbale (dir. avec B. Laca) (2006-9)
(en prép.) Cabredo Hofherr The syntax of Haitian superiority comparatives
(en prép.) Cabredo Hofherr & Etxeberria. R-impersonals in Basque and the grammaticalisation of ONE.
(en prép.) Cabredo Hofherr & Schaden. Reduced definite determiners in the Vorarlberger dialect.
(under revision) Alleesaib & Cabredo Hofherr R-impersonals in Mauritian Creole.
(submitted) Cabredo Hofherr & Dadone. Causatives with cognates of GIVE in French Sign Language (LSF) and Haitian. In R. Pfau, B. Sümer & C. Loos (eds.) Serial Predicates volume. Berlin: LangSciPress.
(submitted) Cabredo Hofherr & Al-Zahre Dual number in Syrian Arabic and other Arabic varieties. Contribution invitée pour le Oxford Guide to the Afro-Asiatic Languages, C. Reintges (ed.), Oxford University Press.
(accepted) Cabredo Hofherr Diachronic sources of nominal number markers. Invited contribution to: E. Aldridge, A. Breitbarth, K. É.Kiss, A. Ledgeway, J. Salmon & A. Simonenko (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics (DiaCom). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
(accepted) Cabredo Hofherr Comparing plurality in the nominal and the verbal domain. Invited contribution to: D. Harbour et al. (eds.) The Alphabet of Universal Grammar. Oxford: OUP & British Academy.
(in press) Cabredo Hofherr Phrase. In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin (eds) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 3rd edition. Elsevier. (to be published 2026)
(2024) Cabredo Hofherr & Dadone Contrasting GIVE-causatives in LSF and French. Pre-Proceedings of the Agency and Intentions in Language 4 Workshop, (online, Harvey Mudd College, 10-12 January 2024). (pdf) (HAL)
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr. Morphology of passives. In: Ackema, Bendjaballah, Bonet, & Fábregas (eds) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr. Fè l bouyi: Null arguments in recipe contexts in Haitian. In: Cabredo Hofherr, Glaude & Soare (eds) . La Grammaire est une fête / Grammar is a moveable feast. Mélanges offerts à / A Webschrift for Anne Zribi-Hertz, 85–92. Zenodo. Open access. (pdf)
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr; Herby Glaude & Elena Soare (eds.). La Grammaire est une fête / Grammar is a moveable feast. Mélanges offerts à / A Webschrift for Anne Zribi-Hertz. Zenodo. Open access.
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr & Térosier. Give-constructions with final clauses – comparing Haitian and Martinican. In: Cabredo Hofherr, Glaude & Soare (eds). La Grammaire est une fête / Grammar is a moveable feast. Mélanges offerts à / A Webschrift for Anne Zribi-Hertz, 93-102. Zenodo. Open access. (pdf)
(2022) Cabredo Hofherr & Denis Creissels. Morphology-syntax mismatches in agreement systems: the case of Jóola Fóoñi. Word Structure 53:3. 252-282. (preprint)
(2022) Pasquerau & Cabredo Hofherr. Two types of event plurality in Seri. In Seung Suk Lee & Yixiao Song (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas 11, 219-234. (version préfinale)
(2022) Cabredo Hofherr. GIVE Constructions in Haitian. Mélanges en ligne pour Léa Nash. (pdf)
(2022) Dobrovie-Sorin & Cabredo Hofherr. Passives of unergatives and ergative marking. In: N. Boneh, D. Harbour, O. Matushansky & I. Roy (eds.), Construire sur les décombres de Babel. Building on Babel's rubble, 165-189. St Denis: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Verbal plurality in the Romance languages. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr & Doetjes (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford University Press.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Nominal number morphology. In Cabredo Hofherr & Doetjes (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number, 135-163. OUP.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Verbal plurality cross-linguistically. In Cabredo Hofherr & Doetjes (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number, 307-341. OUP.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Les marques de futur AP et PRAL en haitien. In : Renauld Govain (ed.) Langues créoles : description, analyse, didactisation et automatisation. Hommage à Yves Dejean et Pierre Vernet, 73-87. Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (PULM), Montpellier. (version préfinale)
(2020) Pasquereau, Jérémy & Cabredo Hofherr. Using semantics to probe paradigm structure: The case of multiple event marking in Seri. Lingue e Linguaggio 19:35-59. DOI: 10.1418/97531
(2020) Cabredo Hofherr. Agreement Morphology. Invited contribution to Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Morphology. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.500
(2019) Cabredo Hofherr, Jérémy Pasquerau & Carolyn O'Meara. Event plurality in Seri. In Proceedings of Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas 10, Kimberly Johnson and Alexander Göbel (eds.), 1-16. (pre-final version, pdf)
(2018) Barberà, Gemma & Cabredo Hofherr. Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages - Introduction & questionnaire. Sign Language and Linguistics 21(2):183–203.
(2018) Barberà, Gemma, Cabredo Hofherr & Josep Quer. Agent-backgrounding strategies in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Sign Language and Linguistics 21(2): 335–349. open access
(2018) Barberà, Gemma & Cabredo Hofherr (eds). Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages. Numéro spécial de Sign Language and Linguistics 21(2).
(2017) Cabredo Hofherr & Urtzi Etxeberria. Distributive numerals in Basque. Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium: 185-194.
(2017) Barberà, Gemma & Cabredo Hofherr Backgrounded agents in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) - passives, middles or impersonals? Language 93:767-798. 10.1353/lan.2017.0057 open access
(2017) Barberà, Gemma & Cabredo Hofherr Two indefinite pronouns in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21:89-105. Robert Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern, and Hannah Rohde (eds.) (pdf)
(2017) Cabredo Hofherr Impersonal passives. In : Martin Everaert & Henk Van Riemsdijk (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax. 2nd edition. Vol III: 1887-1930. Oxford : Wiley/Blackwell. (doi)
(2017) Cabredo Hofherr Voice and voice alternations. In : Elisabeth Stark & Andreas Dufter (eds), Manual of Romance Morphosyntax and Syntax, 230-271. Manuals of Romance Linguistics Series. De Gruyter Mouton. (doi)
(2016) Barberà, Gemma & Cabredo Hofherr Une stratégie de mise en arrière-plan de l’agent en Langue de Signes Catalane - passif ou impersonnel ? L'information grammaticale 149:55-60, numéro coordonné par Annie Risler.
(2014) Cabredo Hofherr Article choice with restrictive relatives. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & A. Zribi-Hertz (eds) Crosslinguistic Studies on Noun Phrase Structure and Reference, 172-211. Syntax and semantics series. Leiden : Brill.
(2012c) Cabredo Hofherr (2012c) Bare habituals and singular indefinites. In Mari, Alda, Beyssade, Claire and Del Prete, Fabio (eds.) Genericity, 192-221. Oxford University Press.
(2012b) Cabredo Hofherr (2012b) Preposition+determiner contractions in French and German. In Peter Ackema, Rhona Alcorn, Caroline Heycock, Dany Jaspers, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds) Comparative Germanic Syntax : The State of the Art, 99-131. Amsterdam : John Benjamins.
(2012a) Cabredo Hofherr (2012a) Verschmelzungsformen von Präposition und Artikel. Deutsch und Französisch kontrastiv. In Gunkel, Lutz & Zifonun, Gisela (eds) Deutsch im Sprachvergleich. Grammatische Kontraste und Konvergenzen. Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Sprache 2011, 217-238. De Gruyter, Berlin.
(2012b) Cabredo Hofherr & Laca (eds.), (2012a) Verbal plurality and distributivity. De Gruyter, Berlin.
(2012b) Cabredo Hofherr & Laca (2012b) Introduction – event plurality, verbal plurality and distributivity. In Cabredo Hofherr & Laca (eds) Verbal plurality and distributivity, 1-24. De Gruyter, Berlin.
(2010) Cabredo Hofherr Event plurality and verbal plurality. Manuscript the course at the Summerschool Typology Leipzig 2010, 16-20 Aug 2010.
(2010) Cabredo Hofherr, Laca & S. Carvalho (2010) When Perfect means "Plural" : The Present Perfect in Northeastern Brazilian Portuguese. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (eds.) Layers of Aspect. CSLI, Stanford, CA. 67-100.
(2010) Boyé & Cabredo Hofherr (2010) Defectiveness as stem suppletion in French and Spanish verbs. In Matthew Baerman, Greville Corbett & Dunstan Brown (eds.) Defective Paradigms : Missing forms and what they tell us, 35-52. Oxford University Press / British Academy.
(2010) Cabredo Hofherr (2010) Adjectives - an introduction. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & O. Matushansky (eds.) Adjectives. Formal analyses in syntax and semantics, 1-26. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
(2008)Cabredo Hofherr (2008) Les pronoms impersonnels humains - syntaxe et interprétation, Modèles linguistiques tome XXIX-1, vol 57:35-56.
(2006) Cabredo Hofherr (2006b) Pronouns, determiners and N-ellipsis in Spanish, French and German. In Proceedings of NELS 36, Christopher Davis, Amy Rose Deal and Youri Zabbal (eds.), 167-178. Amherst, Massachusetts : University of Massachusetts, GLSA. Version préfinale
(2006)Cabredo Hofherr (2006a) ’Arbitrary’ pro and the theory of pro-drop. In P. Ackema, P. Brandt, M. Schoorlemmer & F. Weerman (eds), Agreement and Arguments. 230-258. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
(2006) Boyé & Cabredo Hofherr (2006) The structure of allomorphy in Spanish verbal inflection. Cuadernos de Lingüística del Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset 13 : 9-24.
(2006) Bendjaballah & Cabredo Hofherr (2006) Modification of the noun in Somali : Comparative evidence from other Cushitic languages. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 27 : 27-38.
(en prép.) Cabredo Hofherr & Etxeberria. R-impersonals in Basque and the grammaticalisation of ONE.
(en prép.) Cabredo Hofherr & Schaden. Reduced definite determiners in the Vorarlberger dialect.
(en prép.) Cabredo Hofherr & Dadone. Comparing GIVE-causatives in French Sign Language and French.
(en révision) Alleesaib & Cabredo Hofherr R-impersonals in Mauritian Creole.
(submitted) Cabredo Hofherr & Al-Zahre Dual number in Syrian Arabic and other Arabic varieties. Contribution invitée pour le Oxford Guide to the Afro-Asiatic Languages, C. Reintges (ed.), Oxford University Press.
(accepted) Cabredo Hofherr Diachronic sources of nominal number markers. Invited contribution to: E. Aldridge, A. Breitbarth, K. É.Kiss, A. Ledgeway, J. Salmon & A. Simonenko (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics (DiaCom). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr. Morphology of passives. Invited contribution to: Ackema, Bendjaballah, Bonet, & Fábregas (eds) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr. Fè l bouyi: Null arguments in recipe contexts in Haitian. In: Cabredo Hofherr, Glaude & Soare (eds) . La Grammaire est une fête / Grammar is a moveable feast. Mélanges offerts à / A Webschrift for Anne Zribi-Hertz, 85–92. Zenodo. Open access. (pdf)
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr; Herby Glaude & Elena Soare (eds.). La Grammaire est une fête / Grammar is a moveable feast. Mélanges offerts à / A Webschrift for Anne Zribi-Hertz, 93-102. Zenodo. Open access.
(2023) Cabredo Hofherr & Térosier. Give-constructions with final clauses – comparing Haitian and Martinican. In: Cabredo Hofherr, Glaude & Soare (eds). La Grammaire est une fête / Grammar is a moveable feast. Mélanges offerts à / A Webschrift for Anne Zribi-Hertz, 93-102. Zenodo. Open access. (pdf)
(2022) Cabredo Hofherr & Creissels. Morphology-syntax mismatches in agreement systems: the case of Jóola Fóoñi. Word Structure 53:3. 252-282. (preprint)
(2022) Pasquerau & Cabredo Hofherr. Two types of event plurality in Seri. In Seung Suk Lee & Yixiao Song, eds., Proceedings of Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas 11, 219-234. (version préfinale)
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Verbal plurality in the Romance languages. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Les marques de futur AP et PRAL en haitien. In : Renauld Govain (ed.) Langues créoles : description, analyse, didactisation et automatisation. Hommage à Yves Dejean et Pierre Vernet, 73-87. Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (PULM), Montpellier. (version préfinale)
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr & Doetjes (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford University Press.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Verbal plurality cross-linguistically. In: The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number, Cabredo Hofherr & Doetjes (eds) OUP.
(2021) Cabredo Hofherr. Nominal number morphology. In: The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number, Cabredo Hofherr & Doetjes (eds) OUP.
(2020) Cabredo Hofherr. Agreement Morphology. Invited contribution to Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Morphology. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.500
(2020) Pasquereau & Cabredo Hofherr. Using semantics to probe paradigm structure: The case of multiple event marking in Seri. Lingue e Linguaggio 19:35-59. DOI: 10.1418/97531
(2019) Cabredo Hofherr, Pasquerau & O'Meara. Event plurality in Seri. In Proceedings of Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas 10, Kimberly Johnson and Alexander Göbel (eds), 1-16. (pre-final version, pdf)
(2018) Barberà & Cabredo Hofherr. Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages - Introduction & questionnaire. Sign Language and Linguistics 21(2):183–203.
(2018) Barberà, Cabredo Hofherr & Quer. Agent-backgrounding strategies in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Sign Language and Linguistics 21(2): 335–349.
(2018) Barberà & Cabredo Hofherr (eds). Impersonal human reference in Sign Languages. Numéro spécial de Sign Language and Linguistics 21(2).
(2017) Cabredo Hofherr & Etxeberria. Distributive numerals in Basque. Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium:185-194.
(2017) Barberà & Cabredo Hofherr Backgrounded agents in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) - passives, middles or impersonals? Language 93:767-798. 10.1353/lan.2017.0057 open access
(2017) Barberà & Cabredo Hofherr Two indefinite pronouns in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21:89-105. Robert Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern, and Hannah Rohde (eds.) (pdf)
(2017) Cabredo Hofherr Impersonal passives. In : Martin Everaert & Henk Van Riemsdijk (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax. 2nd edition. Vol III: 1887-1930. Oxford : Wiley/Blackwell. (doi)
(2017) Cabredo Hofherr Voice and voice alternations. In : Elisabeth Stark & Andreas Dufter (eds), Manual of Romance Morphosyntax and Syntax, 230-271. Manuals of Romance Linguistics Series. De Gruyter Mouton. (doi)
(2016) Barberà & Cabredo Hofherr Une stratégie de mise en arrière-plan de l’agent en Langue de Signes Catalane - passif ou impersonnel ? L'information grammaticale 149:55-60, numéro coordonné par Annie Risler.
(2014) P. Cabredo Hofherr & A. Zribi-Hertz (eds) Crosslinguistic Studies on Noun Phrase Structure and Reference. Syntax and semantics series. Leiden : Brill.
(2014) P. Cabredo Hofherr Article choice with restrictive relatives. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & A. Zribi-Hertz (eds) Crosslinguistic Studies on Noun Phrase Structure and Reference, 172-211. Syntax and semantics series. Leiden : Brill.
(2013) "Les contractions préposition + déterminant en allemand et en français". In Jesse Tseng (ed.) Prépositions et postpositions : Approches typologiques et formelles, 57-85. Collection Langues et syntaxe. Hermès Science, Paris.
(2012c) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2012c) Bare habituals and singular indefinites. In Mari, Alda, Beyssade, Claire and Del Prete, Fabio (eds) Genericity, 192-221. Oxford University Press.
(2012b) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2012b) Preposition+determiner contractions in French and German. In Peter Ackema, Rhona Alcorn, Caroline Heycock, Dany Jaspers, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds) Comparative Germanic Syntax : The State of the Art, 99-131. Amsterdam : John Benjamins.
(2012a) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2012a) Verschmelzungsformen von Präposition und Artikel. Deutsch und Französisch kontrastiv. In Gunkel, Lutz & Zifonun, Gisela (eds) Deutsch im Sprachvergleich. Grammatische Kontraste und Konvergenzen. Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Sprache 2011, 217-238. De Gruyter, Berlin.
(2012b) P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (2012b) Introduction – event plurality, verbal plurality and distributivity. In Cabredo Hofherr & Laca (eds) Verbal plurality and distributivity, 1-24. De Gruyter, Berlin.
(2012a) P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (eds) (2012a) Verbal plurality and distributivity. De Gruyter, Berlin.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr Event plurality and verbal plurality. Manuscript the course at the Summerschool Typology Leipzig 2010, 16-20 Aug 2010.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (eds) (2010a) Layers of Aspect. CSLI, Stanford, CA.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (2010b) Introduction. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (eds) Layers of Aspect. CSLI, Stanford, CA. vii-xx.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr, B. Laca & S. Carvalho (2010) When Perfect means "Plural" : The Present Perfect in Northeastern Brazilian Portuguese. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & B. Laca (eds) Layers of Aspect. CSLI, Stanford, CA. 67-100.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr & C. Dobrovie-Sorin (2010) Implicit agentivity without agents in the syntax : a crosslinguistic analysis of SE-verbs. In A. DiSciullo & V. Hill (eds), Interface Properties : Edges, Heads, and Projections, 47–66. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
(2010) G. Boyé & P. Cabredo Hofherr (2010) Defectiveness as stem suppletion in French and Spanish verbs. In Matthew Baerman, Greville Corbett & Dunstan Brown (eds) Defective Paradigms : Missing forms and what they tell us, 35-52. Oxford University Press / British Academy.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr & O. Matushansky (eds) (2010) Adjectives. Formal analyses in syntax and semantics. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
(2010) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2010) Adjectives - an introduction. In P. Cabredo Hofherr & O. Matushansky (eds) Adjectives. Formal analyses in syntax and semantics, 1-26. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
(2008) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2008) Les pronoms impersonnels humains - syntaxe et interprétation, Modèles linguistiques tome XXIX-1, vol 57:35-56.
(2008) O. Bonami & P. Cabredo Hofherr, (eds) (2008) Empirical issues in Syntax and Semantics 7 / Questions empiriques et formalisation en syntaxe et sémantique 7 (ISSN 1769-7158).
(2006) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2006b) Pronouns, determiners and N-ellipsis in Spanish, French and German. In Proceedings of NELS 36, Christopher Davis, Amy Rose Deal and Youri Zabbal (eds), 167-178. Amherst, Massachusetts : University of Massachusetts, GLSA. Version préfinale
(2006) O. Bonami & P. Cabredo Hofherr, (eds) (2006) Empirical issues in Syntax and Semantics 6 / Questions empiriques et formalisation en syntaxe et sémantique 6 (ISSN 1769-7158).
(2006) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2006a) ’Arbitrary’ pro and the theory of pro-drop. In P. Ackema, P. Brandt, M. Schoorlemmer & F. Weerman (eds), Agreement and Arguments. 230-258. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
(2006) G. Boyé & P. Cabredo Hofherr (2006) The structure of allomorphy in Spanish verbal inflection. Cuadernos de Lingüística del Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset 13 : 9-24.
(2006) S. Bendjaballah & P. Cabredo Hofherr (2006) Modification of the noun in Somali : Comparative evidence from other Cushitic languages. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 27 : 27-38.
(2005) P. Cabredo Hofherr & O. Matushansky, (eds) (2005) Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 34, L’adjectif.
(2005) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2005) Les groupes nominaux sans nom en espagnol et en français. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 34 : 143-164.
(2005) P. Cabredo Hofherr & C. Dobrovie-Sorin (2005) The syntax of argument and modifier genitives. In : L. Brugè, G. Giusti, N. Munaro, W. Schweikert & G. Turano (eds.) Proceedings of the 30th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, 225-242. Cafoscarina : Venezia.
(2005) G. Boyé & P. Cabredo Hofherr (2005) Régularité, irrégularité et exception dans la flexion verbale. Faits de langues 25 : L’exception : entre les théories linguistiques et l’expérience, 161-164.
(2004) G. Boyé & P. Cabredo Hofherr (2004) Etude de la distribution des suffixes - er et - ir dans les infinitifs espagnols à partir d’un corpus exhaustif. Corpus 3 : 237-260.
(2004) O. Bonami & P. Cabredo Hofherr, (eds) (2004) Empirical issues in Syntax and Semantics 5 / Questions empiriques et formalisation en syntaxe et sémantique 5 (ISSN 1769-7158).
(2004) Les clitiques sujet du français et le paramètre du sujet nul. Langue française 141 : 99-109.
(2004) Compte rendu de Markus Steinbach (2002) Middle Voice. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 32 : 291-293.
(2003) C. Beyssade, O. Bonami, P. Cabredo Hofherr & F. Corblin, (eds) (2003) Questions empiriques et formalisation en syntaxe et sémantique 4. Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne, Paris.
(2003) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2003a) Arbitrary readings of 3pl pronominals. In M. Weisgerber (ed.) Proceedings of the Conference ’’sub7 — Sinn und Bedeutung, 7th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik’’, 81-94. Arbeitspapiere des Fachbereichs Sprachwissenschaft, Vol. 114.Konstanz University, FB Linguistik.
(2003) S. Bendjaballah & P. Cabredo Hofherr (2003) The genitive in Somali. In Zybatow, Lew N. (ed.) Europa der Sprachen : Sprachkompetenz - Mehrsprachigkeit - Translation. Akten des 35. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Innsbruck 2000, Teil II : Sprache und Kognition. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M.
(2003) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2003b) Inflected complementizers and the licensing of non-referential pro-drop In W. E. Griffin (ed.), The Role of Agreement in Natural Language : TLS 5 Proceedings, 47-58. Texas Linguistics Forum, 53. (Proceedings of the 2001 Texas Linguistics Society Conference).
(2000) P. Cabredo Hofherr (2000) La passivation des intransitifs en allemand et le statut des explétifs. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris 7. Directrice de thèse Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin.
(1999) P. Cabredo Hofherr (1999) Two German impersonal passives and expletive pro. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 7 : 47-57.