Saveria Colonna

Articles dans des revues
  1. Colonna, S., Vincent C. (2024). Les mouvements oculaires comme indice du traitement langagier. Alliage : Culture - Science - Technique, 84. URL :

  2. Cayrecastel, Z., Pozniak, C., & Colonna, S. (2022). Effet d’amorçage sur la féminisation des noms de rôles. GLAD! [En ligne], 13. URL :

  3. Colonna, S., Laca, B., López, L., & Soares, E. (2022). When the present lies in the past: [Present under Past] in subjunctive clauses in Uruguayan Spanish. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 7(1), 1–33. DOI:

  4. Schimke, S., de la Fuente, I., Hemforth, B., & Colonna S. (2018). First language influence on second language offline and online ambiguous pronoun resolution. Language Learning, 68(3), 744-779. DOI:10.1111/lang.12293

  5. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., de la Fuente, I., Kuck, S., & Hemforth, B. (2018). Effects of exposure and information structure in native and non-native pronoun resolution in French. Linguistic Vanguard, 4(s1). DOI:

  6. Schimke, S., & Colonna, S. (2016). Native and non-native interpretation of pronominal forms: Evidence from French and Turkish. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38(1), 131–162. DOI:

  7. Colonna S., Schimke S., & Hemforth B. (2015). Different effects of focus in intra- and intersentential pronoun resolution in German. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30(10), 1306-1325.

  8. Franck, J., Colonna, S., & Rizzi, L. (2015). Task-dependency and structure-dependency in number interference effects in sentence comprehension. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(349). DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00349

  9. Colonna, S., Charolles, M., Sarda, L., & Pynte, J. (2014). Effect on Comprehension of Preposed versus Postposed Adverbial Phrases. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43(6), 771-790. DOI 10.1007/s10936-013-9279-x

  10. Järvikivi, J., Pyykkönen, P., Schimke, S., Colonna, S., & Hemforth, B. (2014). Information structure cues for 4 year olds and adults: tracking eye-movements to visually presented anaphoric referents. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29(7), 877-892.

  11. Hemforth, B., Colonna, S., Petrone, C., & D’Imperio, M. (2013). Length Matters: Informational Load in Ambiguity Resolution. Discours, 12. URL:

  12. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., & Hemforth, B. (2012). Information structure effects on anaphora resolution in German and French: A cross-linguistic study of pronoun resolution. Linguistics, 50(5), 991-1013. DOI:

  13. Colonna, S., & Pynte, J. (2002). La levée des ambiguïtés syntaxiques : apport des recherches inter-langues. L’Année Psychologique, 102(1), 151-187.

  14. Pynte, J., & Colonna, S. (2002). Competition between primary and non-primary relations during sentence comprehension. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 30(6), 569-599.

Chapitres d'ouvrages
  1. Colonna, S. (2022). Discourse processing. In A. Godfroid & H. Hopp (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics. New-York: Routledge.

  2. Colonna, S. (2021). L'acquisition de la compétence discursive : le traitement du discours en L2. In P. Leclercq, A. Edmonds & E. Snedd German (Eds.), Introduction à l’acquisition des langues étrangères (pp. 211-223). Louvain-la-Neuve : Deboeck.

  3. Colonna, S. (2020). La cohérence des textes et des discours : développements psycholinguistiques. In C. Al-Saleh & M. Charolles (Eds.), Cohérence, cohésion et pertinence. L’ajustement de la signification en contexte. Les concepts fondateurs de la philosophie du langage (pp. 115-138). Londres : ISTE éditions

  4. Schimke, S., Colonna, S., & Hickmann, M. (2020). Reference in French and German: a developmental perspective. In N. Gagarina & R. Musan (Eds.), Referential and relational discourse coherence in adults and children (pp.139-170). Studies on language acquisition. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter.

  5. Schimke, S., Colonna, S., de la Fuente, I. & Hemforth, B. (2018). L1-Einfluss und allgemeine Lernereffekte bei der Auflösung ambiger Pronomen in einer L2. In Schimke, S. & Hopp, H. (Eds.), Sprachverarbeitung im Zweitspracherwerb (pp. 221-245). Berlin: de Gruyter.

  6. de la Fuente, I., Hemforth, B., Colonna, S., & Schimke, S. (2016). The role of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in pronoun resolution: A cross-linguistic overview. In A. Holler & K. Suckow (Eds.), Experimental Perspectives on Anaphora Resolution, Linguistische Arbeiten 563 (pp.11-31). Berlin/ Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

  7. Hickmann, M., Schimke, S., & Colonna, S. (2015). From early to late mastery of reference: Multifunctionality and linguistic diversity. In L. Serratrice, & S. Allen, (Eds.), The Acquisition of Reference (pp.181-211). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  8. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., & Hemforth, B. (2014). Information structure and pronoun resolution in German and French: Evidence from the visual-world paradigm. In B. Hemforth, B. Schmiedtovà & C. Fabricius-Hansen (Eds.), Psycholinguistic approaches to meaning and understanding across languages (pp. 175-195). Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics. Munich: Springer.

  9. Pynte, J., & Colonna, S. (2000). Decoupling syntactic parsing from visual inspection: The case of relative clause attachment in French. In A. Kennedy, R. Radach, D. Heller, & J. Pynte (Eds.), Reading as a perceptual process (pp. 529-547). Elsevier: Oxford.

Actes de colloques
  1. Colonna, S., Vincent, C., Pinvidic, L., & Schimke, S. (2020). Influence d’une construction alternative sur l’interprétation d’un pronom chez les enfants francophones au développement typique et atypique du langage. SHS Web of Conferences, 78, 10001. DOI:

  2. Roy, I., Copley, B., Colonna, S., & Arunachalam, S. (2016). Grammatical and conceptual knowledge of dispositions in the interpretation of -er nominals: Experimental evidence. In F., Martin, M., Pitteroff, & T., Pross (Eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on the Morphological, Syntactic and Semantic Aspects of Dispositions (pp. 92-106), OPUS: University of Stuttgart. DOI:

  3. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., Vincent, C., de la Fuente, I., & Hemforth, B. (2016). Influence du contexte expérimental sur l’interprétation des anaphores pronominales en français. SHS Web of Conferences, 27, 10004. DOI:

  4. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., & Hemforth, B. (2010). Le rôle de la structure informationnelle dans l’interprétation d’une anaphore pronominale inter-phrastique en français. In F. Neveu, Muni Toke V., Durand J., Klingler T., Mondada L. & Prévost S. (Eds.), Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 1489-1499, Paris, France.

  5. Hemforth, B., Konieczny, L., Scheepers, C., Colonna, S., Schimke, S., Baumann, P., & Pynte, J. (2010). Language specific preferences in anaphor resolution: Exposure or gricean maxims? In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2218-2223), Portland, USA.

Autres publications
  1. Schimke, S., & Colonna, S. (2015). Book review of Fossard & Béguelin (Eds). (2014). « Nouvelles perspectives sur l´anaphore : points de vue linguistique, psycholinguistique et acquisitionnel ». Langage, Interaction and Acquisition (LIA), 6(2), 295-303. doi 10.1075/lia.6.2.05sch

  2. Colonna, S., & Ducrot, S. (2003). Revue critique de l’ouvrage « Production verbale de mots : approche cognitive » de P. Bonin (2002, De Boeck). Revue de Neuropsychologie, 13(4), 541-543.

  1. Colonna, S., Wang, C-C., Vincent, C., &  Schimke, S. (2024). Processing and learning pronominal forms in French and Chinese. CoLeaP Workshop - Cognition, Learning, Processing. LMU Munich, March 7. PDF

  2. Colonna, S., & Vincent, C. (2022). Les mouvements oculaires comme indice du traitement langagier. Colloque international et interdisciplinaire Les sciences dans tous les sens : soeurs jumelles ou soeurs ennemis ?, Université de Haute Alsace, 25-26 mars.

  3. Schimke, S., & Colonna, S. (2021). The acquisition of reference in German and French: language-independent and language-specific effects. Workshop The expression and the acquisition of reference, Münster, November 5-6.

  4. Colonna, S., & Schimke, S. (2018). Anaphoric expressions in French and Spanish learners of German: Over-explicitness is influenced by proficiency. Communication affichée, EuroSLA Conference, Münster, September 5-8.

  5. Marra, A., Schimke, S., Colonna, S., de la Fuente, I., & Hemforth, B. (2017). L1-influence and general learner effects in L2 pronoun resolution: Evidence from French, Spanish and Italian learners of German. Communication orale, EuroSLA Conference, Reading, UK, August 30-September 2.

  6. de la Fuente, I., Schimke, S., Vincent, C., Hemforth, B., & Colonna, S. (2016). Topicality-based vs. exposure-based preferences in pronoun resolution in French: Evidence from questionnaires and eye-movements. Communication écrite, 22nd AMLaP Conference, Bilbao, September 1-3.

  7. de la Fuente, I., Schimke, S., Kuck, S., Hemforth, B., & Colonna, S. (2016). Topicality-based vs. exposure-based strategies in L2 pronoun resolution in French. Communication écrite, 22nd AMLaP Conference, Bilbao, September 1-3.

  8. Schimke, S., Colonna, S., de la Fuente, I. & Hemforth, B. (2015). L1-effects in offline and online ambiguous pronoun resolution: Evidence from Spanish and French learners of German. Communication orale, 25th European Second Language Association (Eurosla) Conference, Aix-en-Provence, 27-29 Août.

  9. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Hickmann, M. (2015). The development of discourse cohesion in French and German: General and language-specific determinants. Communication orale, Child Language Symposium. University of Warwick, Coventry, July 20-21.

  10. Schimke, S., Colonna S, de la Fuente, I. & Hemforth, B. (2015). L2 ambiguous pronoun resolution: the impact of L1-based preferences, L2-proficiency and working memory capacity. Communication orale, 10th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Rutgers University, New Jersey, May 20-24.

  11. Colonna S., Schimke S., Gelormini-Lezama C. & Almor A. (2014). Resolution of different pronominal forms: French compared to Spanish. Communication écrite, 20th AMLaP Conference, Edinburgh, September 3-6.

  12. Schimke, S., Hickmann, M. & Colonna, S. (2014). Learning to maintain and to shift topics in French and German: General and language-specific determinants. Communication orale, Colloque Langacross 2, Lille, 20-21 juillet.

  13. Colonna, S., Schimke, S. & Hemforth, B. (2013). The role of focus in within- and between-sentence pronoun resolution. Communication écrite, 19th AMLaP Conference, Marseille, September 2-4.

  14. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Hemforth, B. (2013). Pronoun is fast and automatic: Evidence from a German visual world experiment. Communication écrite, 19th AMLaP Conference, Marseille, September 2-4. PDF

  15. Roy I., Colonna S., Copley B. & Arunachalam S. (2013). The role of structural information in eliciting the ‘agent’ meaning with -er nominals: Experimental evidence. Communication orale, 5th workshop on nominalizations (JeNom 5), Barcelona, June 20-21.

  16. Hemforth B., de la Fuente I., Colonna S. & Schimke S. (2013). Clause structure matters: The role of left-dislocation & clefts in pronoun resolution. Communication écrite, CUNY conference on human sentence processing, Columbia, March 21-23.

  17. Colonna, S., Charolles, M. & Sarda, L. (2013). Spatial preposed adverbials as cohesive markers. Communication orale, Workshop on Cohesion and coherence in text comprehension and text production, Osnabrück, September 26-27.

  18. Colonna, S., Schimke, S. & Hemforth, B. (2012). The role of focus in within and between sentence anaphor resolution. Communication orale, Workshop on anaphora, Paris, 17 octobre.

  19. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., Medam, T. & Hemforth, B. (2012). Different effects of focus in intra- and inter-sentential pronoun resolution in German and French. Communication écrite, CUNY conference on human sentence processing, New-York, March 14-16.

  20. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Istanbullu, S. (2011). Syntactic and pragmatic factors in the resolution of zero anaphora in Turkish. Communication écrite, 17th AMLaP Conference, Paris, September 1-3.

  21. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. Hemforth, B. & Istanbullu, S. (2011). Syntactic and pragmatic cues in the resolution of overt vs. zero anaphora in French. Communication écrite, 17th AMLaP Conference, Paris, September 1-3.

  22. Järvikivi, J., Pyykkönen, P., Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Hemforth, B. (2011). Information structure cues in children’s pronoun comprehension. Symposium : Referential Expressions and Text Coherence in Pre-School Children. Communication orale, The XII International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Montreal, Canada, July 19-23.

  23. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., Hemforth, B. & Istanbullu, S. (2011). Priming in French anaphora resolution. Communication écrite, 24th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, Stanford, March 24-26.

  24. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Hickmann, M. (2011). Agentivity and pronoun use: Evidence from a controlled production experiment. Communication orale, 33rd Annual conference of the German Linguistics Society, Göttingen, February 23-25.

  25. Järvikivi J., Pyykkönen P., Schimke, S., Hemforth, B. & Colonna, S. (2010). Focusing prominent and non-prominent entities: Pronoun resolution in 4-year-old children and adults. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, York, September 6-8.

  26. Pyykkönen P., Schimke, S., Järvikivi J., Colonna, S. & Hemforth, B. (2010). Routes to referential access in children’s and adults’ language comprehension. Communication écrite, CUNY conference on human sentence processing, New-York, March 16-20.

  27. Hemforth, B., Konieczny, L., Scheepers, C., Colonna, S., Scimke, S. & Pynte, J. (2010). Gricean principles and frequency in anaphor resolution. Communication écrite, CUNY conference on human sentence processing, New-York, March 16-20.

  28. Colonna, S., Schimke, S. & Hemforth, B. (2009). The role of information structure in pronoun resolution. Communication orale, Linguistic and Psycholinguistic approaches to Text Structuring, Paris, September 21-23.

  29. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., Hemforth, B. & Escobar M. (2009). Language specific preferences in pronoun resolution: Evidence from French, Spanish and German. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Barcelona, September 7-9.

  30. Schimke, S., Pyykkönen P., Järvikivi J., Ott C., Colonna, S. & Hemforth, B. (2009). When and how do children decide ’who’s he’? A visual world-study of information structure in pronoun resolution. Communication orale, AMLaP Conference, Barcelona, September 7-9.

  31. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Hemforth, B. (2009). Discourse prominence and pronoun resolution: Evidence from French. Communication orale, Text and Discourse, Rotterdam, July 26-28.

  32. Hemforth, B., Scheepers, C., Konieczny, L., Pynte, J. & Colonna, S. (2009). Language specific preferences in anaphor resolution. Communication orale, Text and Discourse, Rotterdam, July 26-28.

  33. Colonna, S. (2008). Effect on understanding of preposed and postposed locative prepositional phrases. Communication orale, Colloque Langage et Cognition, Paris, October 1-2.

  34. Colonna, S., Franck, J. & Frauenfelder, U. (2008). Subject-verb agreement in sentence comprehension. Communication écrite, 21th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, Chapel Hill, March 13-15.

  35. Schimke, S., Colonna, S. & Hemforth, B. (2008). Position effects in anaphora resolution in German and French. Communication écrite, 21th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, Chapel Hill, March 13-15.

  36. Hemforth, B., Petrone, C., D’Imperio, M., Pynte, J., Colonna, S. & Konieczny, L. (2006). Length effects in PP-attachment: Prosody or pragmatics ? Communication écrite, 19th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, New York, March 23-25.

  37. Colonna, S., Schimke, S., Hemforth, B., Konieczny, L. & Pynte, J. (2005). The role of information structure in anaphora resolution. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Ghent, September 5-7.

  38. Petrone, C., Colonna, S., Hemforth, B., D’Imperio, M. & Pynte, J. (2005). Length effects in PP-attachment. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Ghent, September 5-7.

  39. Hemforth, B., Colonna, S., Pynte, J., Scheepers, C. & Konieczny, L. (2005). Pronoun resolution across languages: The role of distributional differences between French, German and English. Communication écrite, 18th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, Tucson, March 31-April 2.

  40. Hemforth, B., Colonna, S., Pynte, J. & Konieczny, L. (2004). Pronoun resolution accross languages. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Aix en Provence, September 16-17.

  41. Hemforth, B., Pynte, J., Konieczny, L. & Colonna, S. (2004). Cross-linguistic approaches of pronouns resolution accross languages. Communication orale, Workshop “Relations from sentence to discourse: from form to processing”, Aix en Provence, September 20-21.

  42. Charolles, M., Colonna, S., Sarda, L. & Pynte J. (2004). The effect of the initial position of spatial adverbials on the understanding of texts. Communication orale, Workshop “Relations from sentence to discourse: from form to processing”, Aix en Provence, September 20-21.

  43. Lacheret, A., Prevost, S., Charolles, M., Colonna, S. & Pynte, J. (2004). Circonstants introducteurs de discours : fonction mono-propositionnelle ou multi-propositionnelle ? Que nous disent les indices prosodiques ? Communication orale, Workshop “Relations from sentence to discourse: from form to processing”, Aix en Provence, September 20-21.

  44. Pynte, J., Colonna, S. & Gola, C. (2003). Can an “unnatural” prosody help parsing? Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Glasgow, August 25-27.

  45. Pynte, J., Gola, C. & Colonna, S. (2003). Adjunct predicates, discourse context, and the primary/non-primary distinction. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Glasgow, August 25-27.

  46. Colonna, S. & Pynte, J. (2001). The role of Fodor’s “same-size-sister” constraint in relative clause attachment in French. Communication écrite, XII conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Edinburgh, September 5-8.

  47. Colonna, S. & Pynte, J. (2001). Relative clause attachment in French: The role of Fodor’s “same size sister” constraint. Communication écrite, Prosody in Processing workshop, Utrecht, July 5-6.

  48. Colonna, S., Pynte, J. & Mitchell, D. C. (2000). Relative clause attachment in French: The role of constituent length. Communication écrite, 13th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, La Jolla, March 30-April 1.

  49. Colonna, S. & Pynte, J. (2000). Exposure-based models of human parsing. Communication orale, Workshop on New methods and formalism for corpus linguistics, Aix-en-Provence, October 13.

  50. Colonna, S. & Pynte, J. (1999). Décours temporel de l’attachement d’une proposition relative en français. Communication orale, Congrès biannuel de la Société Française de Psychologie, Aix-en-Provence, 25-27 mai.

  51. Colonna, S., Mitchell, D. C. & Pynte, J. (1999). Evidence against aspects of Frazier and Clifton’s Construal theory. Communication écrite, Eleventh conference of the European Society for cognitive Psychology, Gent, September 1-4.

  52. Colonna, S., Mitchell, D. C. & Pynte, J. (1999). Non-primary relationships are sometime granted an advantage over primary ones. Communication écrite, AMLaP Conference, Edinburgh, September 23-25.

  53. Pynte, J. & Colonna, S. (1998). Competition between primary and non-primary relations during sentence parsing. Communication écrite, 11th CUNY conference on human sentence processing, New Brunswick, March 19-21.

  54. Pynte, J. & Colonna, S. (1998). French readers sometimes prefer to attach low. Communication orale, AMLaP Conference, Freiburg, September 24-26.

  55. Colonna, S. (1997). Enregistrement des mouvements oculaires pendant la lecture de phrases syntaxiquement ambiguës. Communication écrite, Congrès biannuel de la Société Française de Psychologie, Nice, 22-24 mai.

  1. Colonna, S. (2023). Ecriture inclusive et reconnaissance lexicale chez les normolecteurs et dyslexiques. Gender and Language Workshop, Porquerolles, October 19-21.

  2. Michel, S., & Colonna, S. (2021). Acquisition de l'expression de la référence chez les enfants bilingues espagnol-français. Séminaire de la Fédération LAMIE (Fédération internationale pour l'étude des langues des migrants espagnol dans l'Europe francophone), Pairs, 18 juillet.

  3. Colonna, S. (2019). Effet de la saillance discursive et des constructions alternatives sur l'interprétation d'un pronom chez les enfants de 4 ans. LingLunch, Paris Diderot, 24 octobre.

  4. Colonna, S. (2019). Pronoun resolution in 4-year-olds: Online visual-world eye-tracking. Kolloquium zu Sprachgebrauch, - verarbeitung und -erwerb, Dortmund University, Germany, July 9.

  5. Colonna, S. (2017). Traitement et acquisition des marques de cohésion référentielle. Séminaire MoDyCo "Atypies et dysfonctionnements langagiers", Paris Nanterre, 9 mai.

  6. Colonna, S. (2016). Rôle des constructions alternatives dans le traitement des marques de cohésion référentielle. Communication orale, Colloque Connexion Indexation en hommage à Michel Charolles, ENS, 10 juin.

  7. Colonna, S. (2016). Rôle du statut informationnel des référents dans l’interprétation d’un pronom anaphorique par les apprenants L2 et L1. Communication orale, Journée d’étude bilinguisme, Paris Diderot, 27 mai.

  8. Colonna, S. (2015). Quels indices les enfants de 4 ans utilisent-ils pour interpréter un pronom anaphorique ? Enregistrement des mouvements oculaires pendant la présentation visuelle des référents. LingLunch du LLF, Paris Diderot, 29 janvier.

  9. Barra, M., & Colonna, S. (2010). Beaucoup de fautes et peu d’erreurs : sur les règles des fautes de pluriel à l’écrit en français. Approches philologique et psycholinguistique. Journée de l’école doctorale Cognition Langage Interaction, Paris 8, 4 février.

  10. Colonna, S. (2007). Incidence de la position des groupes prépositionnels spatiaux sur la compréhension en lecture. Séminaire de l’école doctorale 268 « Langage et langues », Paris, 28 avril.

  11. Colonna, S. (2004). Facteurs influençant la levée des ambiguïtés syntaxiques. Séminaire du DEA de psychologie expérimentale, Université de Genève, FPSE, 24 novembre.

  12. Colonna, S. & Pynte, J. (2003). Le traitement des prédicats adjoints. Journée « L’anaphore : approches linguistiques et psycholinguistiques », Paris III, 27 juin.

  13. Charolles, M. & Colonna, S. (2003). La cohésion du discours : aspects linguistique et psycholinguistique. Séminaire du CIRLEP, Reims, 07 mars.

  14. Colonna, S., Portes, C. & Pynte, J. (2002). Approches cognitive et automatique de l’analyse syntaxique du français. Séminaire du Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, 08 janvier.

  15. Colonna, S. (2000). Relative clause attachment in French: The role of constituent length. Séminaire TALANA, Paris VII, 18 décembre.

  16. Colonna, S. (2000). Stratégies d’attachement des modificateurs en français. Journée sur la compréhension du langage, LPL et COGNISUD, Aix-en-Provence, 6 juin.

  17. Colonna, S. (1999). Etude des ambiguïtés syntaxiques : l’apport des enregistrements des mouvements oculaires. Séminaire « Traitement automatique des langues » de la formation doctorale Langage et Parole, Aix-en-Provence, 2 décembre.