Thème / Theme
Sourds et langues des signes
Site Internet personnel / Personal website
Fonction / Position
Thèmes de recherche / Research themes

I am interested in Sign Langauge morphology and its interface with phonology and syntax. I have aslo worked on syntax on topics such as subordination, question formation, Weak Crossover, and word/sign order.

Enseignements / Teachings


Sett. 11-12,

             Visuel, Paris

             Course title: basique de Linguistique theoretique


Ott. 06-07,

               Bologna, ENS sezione Regionale Emilia-Romagna (Association of the Deaf)      

               Course title: Corso Docente LIS modulo: Linguistica generale e applicata della LIS


Mag. 19-20,

               Bologna, ENS sezione Regionale Emilia-Romagna (Association of the Deaf)

               Course title: Corso Docente LIS modulo: Linguistica generale e applicata della LIS


Mag. 05-06,

               Bologna, ENS sezione Regionale Emilia-Romagna (Association of the Deaf)

               Course title: Corso Docente LIS modulo: Linguistica generale e applicata della LIS


Dec. 11-12,

             Visuel, Paris

             Course title: basique de Linguistique theoretique en LSF

May 8-12,

            FEAST Summer School

            Course title: Capacity building training session for early stage Deaf researchers in sign linguistics Phonology.

January 28-29,

            Napoli, ENS sezione provinciale

            Workshop: "Arricchimento strutturale LIS"


November 26

            Bologna, cooperativa sociale ‘Serivice and Work’ 

            Workshop: "Corso di formazione: Linguistica "Dall'unità lessicale ai Composti passando per i Classificatori"

October, 29 

            Bologna, Cooperativa sociale ‘Serivice and Work’  

            Workshop: "Full immersion sintassi LIS" 

May, 21

            Bologna, Cooperativa sociale ‘Serivice and Work’

            Course title: ”Sintassi generativa applicata alla LIS"

March, 05

            Bologna, Cooperativa sociale ‘Serivice and Work’

            Course title: ”Il lessico e nuovi studi sui composti nelle Lingue dei Segni"




            Istituto Statale per Sordi di Roma (ISSR, Rome School for the Deaf), Rome

            Linguistics of LIS Instructor; LIS Teacher Qualification Certificate: ‘Advanced cours for LIS teachers’.



2008 -- 2009

            Leonardo Da Vinci Elemantary School, Noventa Padovana, IT.

            Educator; LIS-Italian bilingual classroom.


March 2008 -- May 2008; June 2011

            University of Verona, Verona, IT.

            LIS Instructor; Expert Educators in Sensory Disability MA Degree.




            Province of Verona, Verona, IT.

            LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Expert Educators in Sensory Disability MA Degree.



            Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Treviso.

            Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.



            Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Bologna.

            Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.




            Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Modena.

            Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.



            Ente Nazionale Sordi (Association of the Deaf), Bologna.

            Linguistics of LIS & Deaf Culture Instructor; Certificate of Sign Language Studies.



            Cittadella Elementary School, Modena.

            LIS/Deaf Culture Instructor for faculty and staff members.


January 2001 -- June 2010

            University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy.

            LIS Instructor, BA program; Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature.

            LIS Instructor, Advanced Practices of Italian Sign Language Certificate Program; Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature.

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Publications représentatives / Representative publications

Santoro, M. Compounds in sign languages: The case of Italian and French Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics, 22(2) (2018), 291-297 .

Aristodemo V. and Santoro M. Iconic components as gestural elements: the case of LIS. Short commentary on 'Visible Meaning: Sign Language and the Foundations of Semantics' by Schlenker Philippe. Theoretical Linguistics (2018).

Schlenker, Philippe; Aristodemo, Valentina; Ducasse, Ludovic; Lamberton, Jonathan; Santoro, Mirko: The Unity of Focus: Evidence from Sign Language. Linguistic Inquiry. 47 :2 (2016) 363-381.

Cecchetto, C., Checchetto, A., Geraci, C., Santoro, M., & Zucchi, S. (2015). The syntax of predicate ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Lingua, 166, 214-235, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2014.12.011.

Schlenker, P. Lamberton, J. Santoro, M. Iconic Variables , Linguistics & Philosophy 36(2): (2013) 91-149.

Fichier de publications (EN)
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Liste complète des publications / Publication list

Articles on peer reviewed journals

Santoro, M. Compounds in sign languages: The case of Italian and French Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics, 22(2) (2018), 291-297 .

Aristodemo V. and Santoro M. Iconic components as gestural elements: the case of LIS. Short commentary on 'Visible Meaning: Sign Language and the Foundations of Semantics' by Schlenker Philippe. Theoretical Linguistics (2018).

Schlenker, Philippe; Aristodemo, Valentina; Ducasse, Ludovic; Lamberton, Jonathan; Santoro, Mirko: The Unity of Focus: Evidence from Sign Language. Linguistic Inquiry. 47 :2 (2016) 363-381.

Cecchetto, C., Checchetto, A., Geraci, C., Santoro, M., & Zucchi, S. (2015). The syntax of predicate ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Lingua, 166, 214-235, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2014.12.011.

Schlenker, P. Lamberton, J. Santoro, M. Iconic Variables , Linguistics & Philosophy 36(2): (2013) 91-149.


Conference proceedings

Conte, G., Santoro, M., Geraci, C., & Cardinaletti, A. Why are you raising your eyebrows? In Proceedings of Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), (2010) 53-56.

Carlo, Geraci, Cecchetto Carlo, Donati Caterina, Giudice Serena, Mereghetti Emiliano, Poletti Fabio, Santoro Mirko, Zucchi Sandro. Building a corpus for Italian Sign Language: Methodological issues and some preliminary results (2010): 98-101.

Book Chapters

Morphology Chapter 1: Compunding in The Sign Hub LIS grammar Ed. Chiara Branchini (2020)

Santoro, M. and Poletti F. L'annotazione del corpus. In Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto and Caterina Donati (eds), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS, Franco Angeli, Milano (2012) 69-78.

Conte, G., Santoro, M., Geraci, C., & Cardinaletti, A. Perché alzi le sopracciglia? Le funzioni linguistiche marcate dal sollevamento in LIS. . In Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto and Caterina Donati (eds), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS, Franco Angeli, Milano (2018) 161-70.


Sara Trovato, Anna Folchi, Claudio Baj, Mirko Santoro e Graziella Anselmo. Insegnare e imparare la LIS. Competenza di base nella lingua dei segni italiana. Livelli A1 e A2 Trento: Erickson (2020).


Translation and adaption to LIS of the educational website: http:// www.bilinguismoconta.it (November 2014).

Translation in LIS of Pinocchio (joint translation with Gabriele Caia). Published as: Bertone C. (ed.) Pinocchio in LIS. Cà Foscarina, Venezia. 2013.