[UMR] Carme Munoz (U de Barcelona)

Foreign language learning through audiovisual input - The SUBTiLL Project

Salle 159

Carme Munoz (U. de Barcelona)

Foreign language learning through audiovisual input
The SUBTiLL Project

The SUBTiLL (Subtitles in Language Learning) project (2014-…) is grounded in the Dual Coding Theory (Paivio, 1986) and the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 1997). According to Paivio, verbal stimuli and non-verbal stimuli are processed by two different systems that interact. The activation of both systems results in better recall and greater depth of processing – which would explain why L2 learning can be enhanced by combining images with verbal information. Similarly, Mayer has claimed that “people learn more deeply from words and pictures than words alone”. The research project also fits in with usage-based approaches that highlight the importance of frequency in the input for language learning (e.g., Madlener, 2015), and current frameworks that see language learning as multimodal and semiotic (Douglas Fir Group, 2016). 

In my talk, I will present some of the research questions explored in various studies within this on-going project, and the results obtained so far with respect to the role of  input-related and learner-related factors, mainly in relation to vocabulary, content comprehension and constructions. The input-related factors will include frequency, on-screen text support (i.e., captions in the L2, subtitles in the L1, or no text), and imagery (i.e. co-occurrence, time on-screen). The learner-related factors that will be examined, besides proficiency and vocabulary size, include cognitive individual differences (working memory and analytical skills) and experiential variables (familiarity with viewing OV audiovisual material and enjoyment). Preliminary conclusions will be drawn from this evidence, with educational implications for language learning inside and outside the classroom (extensive viewing).