[SynSem] Colloque Syntaxe et sémantique des auxiliaires

Colloque Syntaxe et sémantique des Auxiliaires / WS on the Syntax and Semantics of Auxiliaries

UPS Pouchet, Salle de conférences & zoom


Colloque Syntaxe et sémantique des auxiliaires 

WS on the Syntax and Semantics of Auxiliaries

The Workshop on the Syntax and semantics of auxiliaries will be held on Mon 23 and Tue 24 June 2025. 
The workshop will be held in hybrid format at UPS Pouchet, 59 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris and on zoom. 

Conférences invitées / Invited speakers 
- Anabela Gonçalves (U. de Lisboa)
- Maria Rita Manzini (U. Florence)
- Jozina Vander Klok (Humboldt U. Berlin)

Date limite de soumission / Deadline for submissions 25 March 2025  

Nous invitons des contributions sur tous les aspects de la grammaire des des auxiliaires, y compris les questions suivantes :
(i) Quelles sont les sources des auxiliaires dans la grammaticalisation ?
(ii) Quelles sont les différences syntaxiques et sémantiques entre les verbes auxiliaires et les verbes lexicaux homophones ?
(iii) Quelle est la syntaxe des auxiliaires augmentant la structure argumentale comme les auxiliaires causatifs ?
(iv) Quelles sont les restrictions morphologiques pour les auxiliaires (Benincà & Poletto 1997, Berizzi & Rossi 2011, Laca 2021) ?
(v) Quelles sont les restrictions sémantiques sur les compléments d'auxiliaires ? (Squartini 1998, Laca 2005, Laca 2021)
(vi) Quelle est l'influence du type de complément (infinitif, gérondif, participes) sur la syntaxe et la sémantique des constructions auxiliaires ? (Manzini & Lorusso 2022, Manzini 2024, Gonçalves ; Santos ; Duarte ; Justino 2018, Oliveira ; Cunha ; Gonçalves 2004)
(vii) Quelles autres catégories peuvent présenter un comportement de type auxiliaire (adverbes, constructions sérielles) ? (Vander Klok & Matthewson 2015, Essegbey 2004)

Workshop topics  We invite contributions on any aspect of the grammar of auxiliaries, including but not limited to the following questions: 
(i) What are the sources of auxiliaries in grammaticalization? 
(ii) What are the syntactic and semantic differences between auxiliary and homophonous lexical verbs?
(iii) What is the syntax of argument increasing auxiliaries as in causative constructions?
(iv) What are the morphological restrictions for auxiliaries (Benincà & Poletto 1997, Berizzi & Rossi 2011, Laca 2021)
(v) What are the semantic restrictions on complements of auxiliairies? (Squartini 1998, Laca 2005, Laca 2021)
(vi) What influence has the type of complement (infinitive, gerund, participles) on the syntax and semantics of the auxiliary construction? (Manzini & Lorusso 2022, Manzini 2024, Gonçalves; Santos; Duarte; Justino 2018, Oliveira; Cunha; Gonçalves 2004)
(vii) What other categories may display auxiliary-like behaviour? (Vander Klok & Matthewson 2015, Essegbey 2004)

Benincà/Poletto 1997. The diachronic development of a modal verb of necessity, in: van Kemenade/ Vincent (eds.), Parameters of Morphosyntactic Change, CUP, 94–118.
Berizzi/Rossi 2011. Deontic “ghe vol” with past participle in some varieties of eastern Veneto, in: Mariachiara Berizzi/Silvia Rossi (edd.), Quaderni di Lavoro ASIt 12. Atti della XVI Giornata di Dialettologia, 41–62.
Essegbey 2004. Auxiliaries in serialising languages: on COME and GO verbs in Sranan and Ewe. Lingua 114(4): 473-494.
Gonçalves; Santos; Duarte; Justino 2018. The acquisition of infinitival complements to causative verbs in Mozambican Portuguese. In Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Santos& Gonçalves (eds), 295-320. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018.
Laca 2005. Périphrases aspectuelles et temps grammatical dans les langues romanes. In Bat Zeev Schyldkrot & Le Querler (Eds.). (pp. 47-66).
Laca 2021. Non-passive Verbal Periphrases in the Romance Languages. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
Manzini 2024. Italian and Arbëresh (Albanian) causatives. Isogloss, vol. 10, pp. 1-34
Manzini; Lorusso 2022. A bisentential syntax for a/bare finite complements in South Italian varieties: Motion verbs and the progressive. In: Giusti, et al (eds). Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple Agreement Constructions, pp. 65-98 John Benjamins
Oliveira; Cunha; Gonçalves 2004. Aspectual Verbs in European and Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 3 1: 141-173. http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/jpl.22.
Squartini 1998. Verbal periphrases in Romance: Aspect, actionality, and´grammaticalization. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Vander Klok & Matthewson 2015. ‘Distinguishing already from perfect aspect: A case study on Javanese wis. Oceanic Linguistics 54.1:172-205.

Abstracts We invite submissions for 25 minute talks (+10min discussion) in English. 
Abstracts should not be longer than two pages (Times New Roman 12 pt, single space, 2,4 cm margins). Abstracts have to be anonymous. 
Please submit your abstract in pdf format by email to 
    wsauxiliaries2025paris [at] gmail.com 
and make sure the text and the name of the pdf do not contain the name(s) of the author(s). 

Deadline for submissions: 25 March 2025
Notification of authors: 5 May 2025
Workshop: 23-24 June 2025

Website https://www.sfl.cnrs.fr/synsem-colloque-syntaxe-et-semantique-des-auxiliaires
Contact @ wsauxiliaries2025paris [at] gmail.com

Comité d'organisation / Organisation committee : Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (UMR 7023) & Aicha Ben Rhouma (UMR 7023), Chang Liu (Inalco), Daniel Saeger (UMR 7023)

Comité de sélection / Selection committee (en cours) :  Claire Beyssade (UMR 7023/ U. Paris 8), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (UMR 7023/ CNRS & U. Paris 8), Carlo Cecchetto (UMR 7023/ CNRS & U. Paris 8), Bridget Copley (UMR 7023/ CNRS & U. Paris 8), Charlotte Hauser (UMR 7023/ U. Paris 8), Laurent Roussarie (UMR 7023/ U. Paris 8), Elena Soare (UMR 7023/ U. Paris 8) 

We gratefully acknowledge the sponsors of the workshop 
- Service des Relations et de la Coopération Internationales, U. Paris 8 (BQI 2024) 
- Research group Structures formelles du langage (UMR 7023 - SFL CNRS & U. Paris 8) 
- IRN Typology across modalities (CNRS) 

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