[Grammaires créoles] José Pérez Vargas (SUNY Buffalo)

What's in a Guadeloupean Verb?

Pouchet, 59 rue Pouchet, 75017, salle 124 (accès/ map) & zoom
Meeting ID: 969 1430 8940 Passcode: cNz8EF


José Pérez Vargas (SUNY Buffalo) 

What's in a Guadeloupean Verb?

We observe the aspectual system of Guadeloupean Creole, considering both viewpoint and aktionsart. We first examine the aktionsart of a subset of Guadeloupean Creole verbs that exhibit both dynamic and stative components. By analyzing these verbs through phasal paradigms of aspect, we argue that their lexical entries inherently contain both dynamic and stative elements. We briefly discuss the implications of this for the study of aktionsart.

Additionally, we explore the aspectual system discussed for Guadeloupean Creole from a typological perspective using data from APiCS. Our analysis reveals that among Creole and Pidgin languages, only those with Niger-Congo influence exhibit this specific aspectual system. This challenges previous claims that such systems are a product of Universal Grammar in the process of Creolization.


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