Le présentiel sera aux locaux du LLF :
LLF - Salle 531, Bâtiment ODG, 8 rue Albert Einstein 75013
Venir : M 14, RER C (arrêt BNF), T 3a (Avenue de France), Bus 62 et 89 (Porte de France)
Trouver la salle : présentez-vous à l'accueil du bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, demandez un badge pour pouvoir emprunter l'ascenseur, montez au 5ème étage, puis suivez les fléchages pour trouver la salle 531
Lien Zoom : https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/
86335243931?pwd= gqx5solUaxGI9VSzf5Z9ISa1K9NkqX .1
Doctorante LLF : Valeria Gradimondo
Title: Can one fail to negate? The case of expletive negation in temporal clauses
Abstract: Sentential negation is overtly expressed in all languages. Its intuitive role is to reverse the truth value of the sentences in which it occurs. However, it is also possible to have a sentential negator that doesn’t contribute at all to the semantic interpretation of its hosting clause. In this case, we are dealing with an "expletive negation" (EN) instance.
In this talk, we will discuss the main features related to EN phenomena, with a focus on adjunct clauses introduced by "before" and "until". Our playground will be all major Romance and Slavic languages. The purpose of this comparison is to discuss the status of this odd negation, with the aim of understanding why it does not operate consistently with the expectations.
Doctorante SFL : Samantha Bellomo
Title: The Role of Implicit/Explicit Prosodic Instruction on Beginner FFL Learners