Séminaire des doctorant·es

Séminaire des doctorant·es

Le présentiel sera aux locaux du LLF :

  • LLF - Salle 533, Bâtiment ODG, 8 rue Albert Einstein 75013

    • Venir : M 14, RER C (arrêt BNF), T 3a (Avenue de France), Bus 62 et 89 (Porte de France)

    • Trouver la salle : présentez-vous à l'accueil du bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, demandez un badge pour pouvoir emprunter l'ascenseur, montez au 5ème étage, puis suivez les fléchages pour trouver la salle 533 (également appelée Salle des Conseils

Doctorante LLF : Caihong Weng
Titre : Testing the production-perception link in a sibilant fricative contrast
Abstract: The merger of the Mandarin /s/~/ʂ/ contrast, known as “deretroflexion”, frequently occurs in Mandarin spoken by bilingual Southern Min speakers, whose L1 lacks the retroflex category. Recent studies of the /s/~/ʂ/ contrast in this population have highlighted high levels of individual variation. The present study aims to explore a key question related to this variation: are individual speakers who produce a stronger contrast also those who can better perceive the contrast? To address this, we use an experimental approach to examine how a single group of bilingual speakers of L1 Quanzhou Southern Min (QSM) and L2 Mandarin both produce and perceive the sounds [s] and [ʂ], allowing us to explore the relation between perception and production in the same speaker.


Doctorante SFL : Julie Bordes
Titre : Individual Differences and SLA: The impact of personality, cognitive styles, and anxiety on the acquisition of BE+ING progressive form

Abstract : Studies have shown that individual differences impact language learning success in an educational setting (see Dornyëi & Ryan, 2015 for a summary). However, most of them focus on an overall success, with various definitions for it, and not task-dependent production. In this study, we tested French university students in six different tasks, focusing on the acquisition of the opposition of the progressive and simple present forms in English L2. This form is particularly difficult for French learners of English, as it presents a grammaticalised aspectual difference that is lexicalised in French (Leclercq, 2009 ; Demagny, 2013).
In this presentation, I will show the methodology for these experiments as well as some preliminary results, showing an impact of task-related parameters on response time, as well as linguistic use strategies.
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