[Grammaires créoles] Viviane Déprez (Rutgers / CNRS)

Can there be Agree(ment) on Negative Concord in creole?

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Viviane Déprez (Rutgers University/CNRS)

Can there be Agree(ment) on Negative Concord in creole?

 In the Minimalist program, Agree, a theoretical tool initially developed to model agreement was controversially expanded to novel phenomena, which include Negative concord (Zeijlstra 2004-2022). Focusing on French Based Creoles, here, we confront core properties of Agree to the rich comparative empirical landscape of creole NC and ask both from a comparative typological perspective and from a detailed formal one whether Agree is really fit to account for the properties of creole NC as opposed to an approach that considers NC as a form of NPI dependencies (Laka 1989).

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