Clémentine RAFFY

Année d'inscription / Beginning of the PhD
Thème / Theme
Syntaxe et sémantique
Titre de la thèse / PhD title
Letting in Romance
Directeur(s) / Direction
  • Bridget Copley (bridget.copley [at] (email) - website)
  • Klaus von Heusinger (Klaus.vonHeusinger [at] (email) - website)
Publications récentes / Recent publications

Donazzan, M., Raffy, C., & von Heusinger, K. (in press). Causation and dispositions: Towards a semantic characterization of the French causative verb laisser. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics.

Communications orales / Oral prsentations

"Characterizing French laisser using causal functions and alternative sets" (with Bridget Copley & Marta Donazzan). Going Romance 2020, Université Paris 8/Structures Formelles du Langage. November 2020.

"Letting in French". OASIS 2.5, Université de Nantes. October 2020.

"The dynamics of enabling - an investigation of the French verb laisser" (with Marta Donazzan). OASIS 2, Université de Nantes. October 2019.

"Causative constructions and their arguments - the case of French laisser" (with Marta Donazzan & Klaus von Heusinger). Workshop "the Syntax & Semantics of Internal Arguments", University of Bucharest. October 2019.





Enseignements / Teachings

September 2020 - January 2021: Compétences écrites. Licence LEA, Université Paris 8.