[Langues d'héritage] Artemis Alexiadou

[Langues d'héritage] Artemis Alexiadou

Seminar Heritage Languages in Europe

Artemis Alexiadou (joint work with Vasiliki Rizou)

title: Non-active voice in Heritage Greek

Abstract: Modern Greek has two sets of Voice forms, active vs. non-active (NAct). NAct is used with passives, reciprocals, reflexives and certain anticausatives, labelled marked anticausatives, as well as with so-called deponent verbs.

In this study, we aim to explore the following questions: RQ1: Which verb categories bearing NAct voice are produced by two groups of Heritage Speakers (HSs) in Germany and in the US? RQ2: Do these categories diverge from monolingual productions and is this predicted by language contact? RQ3: Do we find non canonical morphological marking?

We observed 8 non-target forms in our two HSs groups, whereby more such forms were identified in the US data: cases where NAct appears on anticausative verbs that don't combine with NAct, over transitive deponent verb bearing NAct. Both these findings were not predicted on the basis of  previous literature.

These data suggest that HSs productively employ NAct in ways that are compatible with theoretical approaches to canonical and deponent NAct Voice in Greek, which we will discuss during the presentation.