CAUSEMOTYP : Caused motion events in several Indo-Europen languages and in a Dravidain language
- Key word : Caused motion events, Dutch, English, French, Italian, Tamil, Expression of Space, Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
Caused motion events such as "push", "pull" and transitive verbs like "roll (an object)" represent a type of action that is common in everyday life. However, they have received very little attention from linguistic researchers. The project CAUSEMOTYP (Cause, Motion and Typology) proposes to remedy this lack of research by exploring the events across a large variety of languages.
The aims of this project are threefold: 1) To study a type of movement that is as yet poorly described in languages, that of caused motion events within the framework of Talmy's typology; 2) To study languages that have been little analyzed in their contemporaneity and compare them with better described languages; 3) Depending on the results, to re-evaluate Talmy's typology (2000) and propose a possible development.
The project is supported by:
- Soutien à la Mobilité Internationale de l'Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (INSHS)- CNRS
- Appel à Projet of the University Paris 8
- Laboratory Structures Formelles du Langage - UMR7023
Annie-Claude DEMAGNY, Laboratoire SFL-UMR7023, Paris, France
Simona ANASTASIO, University Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès, Toulouse, France
Andrea Ariño BIZARRO, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Henriette HENDRIKS, , University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Alberto HIRAZO-GASCON, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Pascale TREVISIOL, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France,
Sarra EL AYARI, Laboratoire SFL-UMR7023, Paris, France
- Annie-Claude Demagny & Pascale Trévisiol-Okamura. Activation de L2 dans la production en L3 : le cas des tamoulophones.
- Annie-Claude Demagny & Pascale Trévisiol-Okamura. Acquisition de l’expression de l’espace dynamique par des tamoulophones apprenants du français L3.
- Annie-Claude Demagny & Pascale Trévisiol-Okamura. Acquisition de l’expression du mouvement par des tamoulophones apprenants du français L3.