Atelier de Phonologie - Alexandra Shikonova (HSE université, Moscou)

Forest Nenets monosyllabic shortening

en ligne

In Forest Nenets (<Samoyedic<Uralic), there is a length contrast in vowels that disappears in unstressed positions as well as in monosyllables. The neutralization in monosyllables in particular has been described as monosyllabic shortening (MS; Salminen 2007). 
I will present novel instrumental data that support treating MS as a phonological process of shortening, despite the wide range of (occasionally rather long) durations observed in monosyllables.
I will then discuss the implications of MS for typology and phonological theory, casting it as a case of overwrite in Kaplan's (2015) terminology (an otherwise faithful position losing its protected status due to positional markedness) and showing how MS points towards the exceptional weakness of final empty nuclei in FN under a Strict CV analysis of the FN vowel system and prosody. 
Kaplan, Aaron. 2015. Maximal prominence and a theory of possible licensors. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 33(4). 1235–1270.

Salminen, Tapani. 2007. Notes on Forest Nenets phonology. In Jussi Ylikoski & Ante Aikio (eds.), Sámit, sánit, sátnehámit. Riepmočála Pekka Sammallahtii miessemánu 21. beaivve 2007, vol. 253, 349–372. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.

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